The FIT Prizes were awarded as part of the Statutory Congress this year, except for the Pierre-François Caillé Memorial Medal, which was awarded at the closing ceremony of the open congress. We thank all our member associations who made nominations, those who served as members of the various juries (all volunteers), the members of the FIT Prizes Task Force (Denis Louis Bousquet – chair, Beatriz Rodriguez, Benny Hoed and Irene Yuan), and Denis Bousquet and FIT executive director Jeannette Ørsted for administering the whole process. The winners were:
• Astrid Lindgren Prize for the Translation of Children’s Literature: Ms Julia Lydia Calzadilla Nunez, nominated by the Cuban Association of Translators and Interpreters (ACTI)
• “Aurora Borealis” Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature: Prof. Xu Yuanchong, nominated by the Translators’ Association of China (TAC)
• “Aurora Borealis” Prize for Outstanding Translation of Non-fiction Literature: Ms Metella Paterlini, nominated by the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI)
• Karel Čapek Medal for Translation from a Language of Limited Diffusion: Ms Kari Kemény, nominated by the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators (NO)
• FIT Prize for Best Periodical: ITI Bulletin published by the Institute of Translators and Interpreters in the UK, with an Honourable Mention going to the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) newsletter InformATIO
• FIT Prize for Best Website: awarded jointly to www.iti.org.uk and www.universitas.org – the websites of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (UK) and Universitas (Austria)
• FIT Prize for Excellence in Scientific and Technical Translation (new in 2014): Md Svetla Moutafova, nominated by the Bulgarian Translators’ Association
• FIT Prize for Interpreting Excellence (new in 2014): Dorothy Charbonneau, nominated by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO)
• Pierre-François Caillé Memorial Medal for a contribution to the profession at an international level: Bente Christensen, nominated by the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators (NO)
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