The tenth Danica Seleskovitch Prize will be awarded by the Danica Seleskovitch Association in 2014.
The Prize, which has a value of € 2,000 and was established in 1991 to carry forward the work of Danica Seleskovitch, is awarded to professional conference interpreters and translation scholars in recognition of their outstanding service to the interpreting profession or their original research in translation studies.
Your contribution is essential. If you would like to nominate someone who meets these criteria and would be worthy of the Prize, please submit your nomination along with a summary of that person’s qualifications and accomplishments by June 30, 2013 at the latest. The Award ceremony will take place early in 2014 in the Danica Seleskovitch Lecture Hall at the Ecole Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT), University of Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle.
List of previous laureates:
- 2012 Ingrid Kurz
- 2009 Miriam Shlesinger
- 2007 Renée Van Hoof-Haferkamp
- 2005 Jennifer Mackintosh and Christopher Thiéry
- 2002 Marianne Lederer
- 1999 Jungwha Choi
- 1996 Gérard Ilg
- 1994 Philippe Séro-Guillaume
- 1992 Walter Keiser
Please send nominations and supporting documentation to the following address: prix@danica-seleskovitch.org
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