En-Fr Glossary on the COVID-19 pandemic

by the The Translation Bureau of Canada | Version: June 11, 2020

The new Translation Bureau glossary on the COVID-19 pandemic clarifies basic concepts in both official languages and will promote clear communications about the coronavirus disease. It will be updated and improved on a regular basis.

Since COVID-19 was first identified in December 2019, the number of countries affected by this disease has been increasing; the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic in March 2020. The current global situation requires highly effective communication. The vocabulary used must be understood by everyone, and it is important that all documents have consistent terminology. This glossary is designed as a tool for language professionals as well as those responsible for disseminating information in the context of this pandemic. In it, you will find terms from the fields of medicine, sociology and politics, among others.

Browsing the glossary alphabetically

Select a letter to browse the glossary alphabetically. Next, click on a designation to consult its French equivalent and other terminological information (which may vary from one entry to another) that includes other designations, definitions, notes and usage examples.

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash